How A Television Show Changed My Life

How A Television Show Changed My Life

Guest Blogger Cleopatra

I’m 15, my dog and my grandma are my best friends; even though there are some other people who are also my really good friends. My two siblings and I are homeschooled and it is AMAZING! We get the opportunity to travel, and learn , which is extra special to me. During this time, my favorite part is that I get the chance to write a lot more.

A month and a half ago, my parents, siblings, dog and I piled into our car and drove to Langley, B.C. to attend a fan event that started because of a TV show, When Calls The Heart. Can we just take a moment to acknowledge that this amazing community that I’m about to describe was built from a TV show?!?!

Around April of 2016, my brother and sister and I sat down on our sofa to watch the Season 3 finale of When Calls the Heart. Pretty much the only motivation to watch it, was because we wanted to see if this Jack character was going to live or die. Little did we know, just watching one episode would turn into something a lot bigger, and quite frankly; lifechanging.

So, skip ahead by a few weeks or so, we watch all of season two on Netflix. We found season three at the library and yet, we hadn’t seen season one because it looked the least interesting. Funny thing though, I would hear people talk about it and I saw a few clips; so finally, we watched season one. We ended up watching the show in reverse.

I can honestly tell you that season one is very important, so if you’ve started to watch the show and started with season two like us, maybe you should reconsider.

After that, I started following some fan accounts and the main actors of the show on social media, and began to make some friends through the process. Around that time, I joined the FB group for the show, also. My sister and I started a WCTH Instagram account where we post edits and all that fun stuff, too. (@TheHeartieSisters because I know ya’ll really wanted to know.)

Since then, When Calls the Heart has become a special part of my family life. We watched season four – all the way through – with all five of us, Rosebud (the pup) and our Grandma. Season five being highly anticipated in our home, as is the Christmas movie which will air Christmas Day.

My family is so tied to the show, we started a group named “One Big Hearties Family” to help connect other families that have similar interests – who share a common love for WCTH. So, please, if you are interested in an uplifting, happy and probably funny environment – come join us!!!

I appreciate my Heartie community for being amazingly wonderful; along with the way they’ve changed watching tv for my family!

Much love,


Follow me on Twitter: @cleodore3324

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